DSC08963This 382 page book is in good condition for being 115 years old.  The author is Charles Carroll who claimed that blacks are more akin to apes than to human beings, and theorized that blacks had been the “tempters of Eve.” Carroll said that mulatto brutes were the rapists and murderers of his time (pp. 167, 191, 290-202) and that they should be killed. You will notice (in the photo) a red cloth bookmark; I’m not sure if it’s original, but it matches perfectly. The rebuttal to this book Is the Negro A Beast? was published in 1901 and is also in this collection (see “Racism” category).

DSC08966DSC08969  Continue reading “1900 “THE NEGRO A BEAST OR IN THE IMAGE OF GOD?””

1901 “IS THE NEGRO A BEAST?” (rebuttal to “The Negro A Beast”)

 DSC08945Is the Negro a Beast?: A Reply to Chas. Carroll’s Book Entitled “The Negro A Beast”, Proving that the Negro is Human from Biblical, Scientific, and Historical Standpoints.  Written by William G. Schell, this book is a refutation of the scurrilous book The Negro A Beast or In the Image of God?, apparently popular in Southern US around the turn of the century, which attempted to justify the enslavement of those of African descent, since they “weren’t really human.”  The controversial book that this book is refuting is also available in this collection (see other post in the “Racism” category).

DSC08946  DSC08948 Continue reading “1901 “IS THE NEGRO A BEAST?” (rebuttal to “The Negro A Beast”)”

Slaves “Did Not Work So Hard…Had Advantages” According to History Textbook

This 1957 history textbook titled Cavalier Commonwealth–History and Government of Virginia was commissioned in 1950 by the Virginia General Assembly and describes the circumstances of the American slave as follows: “.. his condition had its advantages . . . he enjoyed long holidays . . . he did not work so hard as the average free laborer, since he did, not have to worry about losing his job. In fact, the slave enjoyed what we might call comprehensive social security. Generally speaking, his food was plentiful, his clothing adequate, his cabin warm, his health protected and his leisure carefree.”

See additional photos of textbook below.

See also “Happy Slaves” Described In 7th Grade Virginia Textbook Used for 20 Yrs.

Continue reading “Slaves “Did Not Work So Hard…Had Advantages” According to History Textbook”

“Happy Slaves” Described In 7th Grade Virginia Textbook Used for 20 Yrs.

Published in 1956 and used in Virginia classrooms through the late 1970’s, Virginia: History, Government, Geography by Francis B. Simkins and Spotswood H. Jones, and Sidman P. Poole describes the life of a Virginia slave as “happy”, “cheerful”, and “prosperous.”

“.…The Negroes learned also to enjoy the work and play of the plantations…Virginia offered a better life for the Negroes than did Africa…”

See also “Slaves Did Not Work So Hard…Had Advantages” According to History Textbook

Continue reading ““Happy Slaves” Described In 7th Grade Virginia Textbook Used for 20 Yrs.”


world geography2     worldgeography3   world geography1  In Chapter 5 titled “Patterns of Immigration”, this 2016 World Geography textbook from McGraw Hill says “The Atlantic Slave Trade between the 1500’s and 1800’s brought millions of workers from Africa to the southern United States to work on agricultural plantations.”  It also says “One of the defining attributes of the United States is that it is largely a country of immigrants and their descendants.  About 13 percent of people in the United States are foreign born, while Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians make up about 2 percent of the population.  The remaining population is descended from immigrants.”  Here is the story of how everything “hit the fan” when an African-American mother looked carefully at her son’s geography textbook…

See also “Happy Slaves” Described in 7th Grade Virginia Textbook Used for 20 Yrs.
See also “Slaves Did Not Work So Hard…Had Advantages” According to History Textbook


1933 “Mob Cheers As Negro Is Burned Alive”

This November 29, 1933 edition of The Birmingham Post features a cover story titled “Mob Cheers As Negro Is Burned Alive.” It says, “The latest victim of mob vengeance, Lloyd Warner, was dragged from his cell, beaten into insensibility, hanged and then burned…More than two hours after the negro had been hanged, hundreds of citizens surged about the pyre, shouting, laughing and jesting. A festive spirit prevailed….Photographers snapped pictures of the gruesome sceneContinue reading “1933 “Mob Cheers As Negro Is Burned Alive””

1963 Birmingham Segregationist Newsletter Warns Against the “Danger of Mongrelization”

This August 15-21, 1963 copy of the “BIRMINGHAM WEEKLY BULLETIN” is published by the National States Rights Party and is authored by its white supremacist and anti-Semitic founder Dr. Edward R. Fields, who frequently collaborated with the Ku Klux Klan. In the newsletter he warns that “Nothing in our lifetimes can happen to us that could ever be worse than allowing our children to go to school with Negroes.” He then calls out 12 “mixed” stores by name who “have surrendered the hard won rights our forefathers handed down to us which are our sacred traditions and customs–that we do not sit down and eat with negroes.”

Continue reading “1963 Birmingham Segregationist Newsletter Warns Against the “Danger of Mongrelization””

“We piccaninnies believe in the simple life and watermelon” STEREOVIEW

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This stereo view of a black girl with watermelon continues the odd pairing of black folk with watermelon.  It states, “Did you say watermelon was no good?  Give me liberty and watermelon!  Let the pampered epicure rave over a French ragout, a Chinese bird’s nest soup, or lobster  a la Newburg, we piccaninnies believe in the simple life and watermelon.  Give us a Continue reading ““We piccaninnies believe in the simple life and watermelon” STEREOVIEW”

1965 & 1966 THUNDERBOLT NEWSPAPERS (National States Rights Party)

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These 1965 and 1966 Thunderbolt Newspapers are among the most severe of the racist material in this collection.  One article states, “If King comes marching through your town, get out in the streets with the old rebel yell and rebel flag.  He’ll go running out of town back to Atlanta.” Thunderbolt newspaper was mentioned during the trial of infamous Ku Klux Klansman Tommy Blanton.  Blanton was convicted Continue reading “1965 & 1966 THUNDERBOLT NEWSPAPERS (National States Rights Party)”

“Nigger Head” Desert Vegetation Postcard

IMG_9684This 1940’s postcard features “Varieties of Desert Vegetation” including Spanish Bayonet, Joshua Tree, Agave, Palo Verde, and “Nigger Head”. Horticulturist P.A. Munz’s California Flora and California Desert Wildflowers (University of California Press, Berkeley, 1970) lists Niggerhead cactus as the accepted common name for Echinocactus polycephalus, a small barrel cactus native to California’s southern deserts. Continue reading ““Nigger Head” Desert Vegetation Postcard”

1956 “NEGRO AND WHITE” (racist Christian desegregation brochure)”

Negro and White-1This 1954 racist “Christian” desegregation brochure by John R. Rice is titled “Negro and White”.  In it, the author states (regarding the lynching of Emmett Till) “That colored boy, who attempted to…seduce the…white woman, was spurred on by widespread feeling, a cocky attitude agitators have cultivated among colored people.  Remember…a white woman dare not walk the streets alone at night or go anywhere alone at night because of the animosity and the standards of the large negro population….It makes for cases of murder and rape.  It makes for some…cases in which offended white men, even good men, take the law in their own hands.Continue reading “1956 “NEGRO AND WHITE” (racist Christian desegregation brochure)””

1956 “MIXED SCHOOLS AND MIXED BLOOD” (Citizens’ Council, Miss)

mixed blood1     mixed blood2This 1956 brochure contains the speech “Mixed Schools and Mixed Blood” by Herbert Ravenel Sass.  It states “Herbert Ravel Sass, author, presents the fundamental case for the white South.  A native of Charleston, South Carolina, an independent, and an Episocpalian, Mr. Sass is imbued with a tradition which he believes is based on unchanging truth.  His argument goes to the very heart of the controversy: Would integrated schools lead to mixed blood?”

The brochure is published by The Educational Fund of the Citizens’ Councils of Greenwood, Mississippi.


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This 1956 pamphlet titled “Interposition, the Barrier Against Tyranny” is a speech of Representative John Bell Williams (D-Miss.) in the United States House of Representatives on January 25, 1956.  Interposition refers to the right of the states to protect their interests from federal violation deemed by those states to be dangerous or unconstitutional. Citizens’ Councils (which were considered a more civilized version of the Ku Klux Klan) famously defended segregation (and before that slavery) by teaching “Interposition and Nullification”.

This brochure was printed by the Association of Citizens’ Councils of Mississippi in Greenwood, Mississippi.

1964 GERALD L.K. SMITH RALLY FLYER (anti-semitic and racist)

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This 1964 “National Rally” flyer advertises Gerald L.K. Smith speaking at the Large Embassy Auditorium at 9th and Grand in Los Angeles, California on April 30th, 1964.  On the flyer it states that he will discuss “The significance of Governor Wallace of Alabama, who is rapidly becoming a white man’s champion.  Will the Negro become America’s ‘sacred cow’? Will the Jewish politicians and their ilk be able to combine minorities for political victory in such a way as to enslave and abuse the great white Christian majority of America?

1950’s ANTI-NAACP BROCHURE (warns of “negroid nation” and “mulattoism”)

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This 1950’s anti-NAACP brochure contains four pages of fear-mongering designed to discredit the NAACP by associating the civil rights organization with communism.  It refers to “…its devious way to bring America down to stark mulattoism.  A negroid-nation is the aim of both–which is but another way of saying Negro-Supremacy.”

Continue reading “1950’s ANTI-NAACP BROCHURE (warns of “negroid nation” and “mulattoism”)”


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This “Cotton Fluff” (by Olive Smith) sheet music from 1936 shows a racist depiction (face is almost a complete silhouette and exaggerated black lips) of a black child holding multiple cotton bolls.  Clayton F. Summy Co.


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1954 “Black Monday” brochure is the printed version of a speech by Judge Tom P. Brady (of the Fourteenth Circuit Court District Brookhaven, Miss) denouncing the 1954 Landmark Brown vs. Board of Education desegregation decision.  This brochure was published by the Mississippi Citizens’ Council.  Note the quote, “We do know the negro has, in certain instances, elliptical blood cells, which cause disease.  We do know that his skull is one-eighth inch thicker…”


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Two Fayette County, Alabama Democratic ballots from 1941 and 1956.  Note the logo of the chicken and the “WHITE SUPREMACY….FOR THE RIGHT” banner used by the Democratic Party at the time. The official overtly racist logo of the Alabama Democratic Party was adopted in 1904 and not replaced until 1966.

The 1956 ballot shows the notorious Eugene Bull Connor as candidate for “Delegate to National Democratic Convention”. Bull Connor famously used firehoses and police dogs on men, women, and children protesters during the famed Birmingham demonstrations of 1963.

Continue reading “1941 & 1956 “WHITE SUPREMACY” DEMOCRATIC BALLOTS (with BULL CONNOR as candidate)”



The heading of this postcard states “Martin Luther King at Communist Training school.” ON BACK: “Lower left, arms folded, is Abner W. Berry of the Central Communist Party.  To King’s right, Aubrey Williams, pres. of the communist front SCEF, and Myles Horton, dir. Highlander Folk School for communist training at Monteagle, Tenn.  Picture taken by secret counteragent during Red Workshop in race agitation.



DSC06681 DSC06684Another disgusting example of an alligator eating, or trying to eat, black children (see other similar items in the collection).  The tale of the alligator is a letter opener; by pulling the head of the African-American child out of the alligator’s mouth, a pencil is revealed.  The tail advertises the “Los Angeles Alligator Farm”.  So much for the South having a monopoly on racism. Continue reading “ALLIGATOR EATING BLACK BOY (PENCIL AND LETTER OPENER)”


DSC06425Made in Germany in the first quarter of the 20th century, it contains a black mask.  Instructions on the cover are in German, French, and English.  The English directions are as follows: “The Nigger Cap.  New.  Great surprise.  Wonderful effect.  It is possible to become a Nigger in half a minute, and then quickly a white man again.  The Nigger cap, which is made of light black tricot, is simply drawn over the head, the end pushed under the collar and the Nigger is ready.  If in company, one should bend down under the table a moment and draw the cap on, or one goes out of the room and comes back a Nigger, to the great astonishment of everyone present.  Great joke.  Patented.  Enormous success.”  Cap is in the package, unused.

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DSC08951 DSC08955This 1907 book The Negro, A Menace to American Civilization, was written by Robert Wilson Shufeldt who was a Major in the Medical Department of the U.S. Army. From the book:It takes a negro to assault a pretty and winsome little girl less than four years of age….It is scarcely necessary for me to say, that I am morally opposed to all forms of lynch law, but the negro is with us ; savagery and barbarous acts beget savagery and barbarous acts….Lynchings, in spite of everything, will continue to occur in the United States of America just so long as there is a negro left here alive, and there is a white woman living for him to assault. He can no more help his instincts than he is responsible for the color of his skin.”  Note the lynching photos.   Continue reading “1907 THE NEGRO, A MENACE TO AMERICAN CIVILIZATION”


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The Church and the Negro, A Discussion of Mormons, Negroes and the Priesthood by John Lewis Lund, copyright 1967, third printing 1968.  From the dust jacket it says the book “openly and frankly discusses and documents the Mormon position concerning the Negro.  “In regard to inter-marriage with the Negro…God does not approve!” Continue reading “1968 MORMON BOOK PROHIBITS BLACK PRIESTS & “LOSE…BLESSINGS BY MARRYING A NEGRO””


DSC00700This alarmist book by Kenneth Goth concludes that “…the colored races of the whole world are being united under the banner of atheistic hell-inspired Communism“.  It also notes that “In schools our young white girls are being forced to dance with Negro boys.”  Note the photo of “wild jungle sex orgies that go on each night…between Negroes and Whites”.

Book is published by Soldiers of the Cross and is 76 pages. Continue reading “1958 REDS PROMOTE RACIAL WAR”



This is a fascinating book written by Wynetta Willis Martin about her experiences as the first African-American in the famous Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  She staunchly supports the LDS church even though, at the time of her autobiographical account, the Mormon Church would not allow African-Americans to become priests.  The latter part of the book includes the chapter “Why Can’t the Negro Hold the Priesthood” by John D. Hawkes.  The “Forward” (see photo) is written by Odgen Mayor Bart Wolthuis. Five newspaper articles written about Ms. Martin are included in the book (see photos). Continue reading “1972 “BLACK MORMON TELLS HER STORY””


DSC00679This advertisement is not dated, but it is VERY old.  It shows racist caricatures of African-Americans stealing and shooting each other.  Text at the bottom describes the scene and in one portion says “…(he) was drowned in tears at the thought of not being able to shoot two darkey thieves.  But as the well filled with tears he came to the top and discovered one dead nigger…”  The ad suggests Barker’s Liniment for the aches and pains of the farmer after the incident.  Browned, a few small tears and chips to the edges, printing on rear, fragile.  Overall size is approximately 9″ x 6″.

DSC00685   DSC00682 Continue reading ““ONE DEAD NIGGER” RACIST AD”


DSC00647This 1966 brochure from the Louisiana Citizens’ Council is titled “Why We Are Expanding” and says “Questions and answers for the white people of South Louisiana who sincerely believe that States’ Rights and racial segregation must be preserved for the peace and good order of our county and for our children’s futures!”  Also says “The Citizens’ Council movement is the only nationwide organization dedicated to preserving the integrity of the white race!”  The brochure states (inside) that its aim is to “reverse the “Black Monday” decision of 1954 and repeal the mis-named “Civil Rights” Act of 1964.”  It also invites the reader to attend a meeting on October 18, 1966 in New Orleans.

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DSC00692This article from the November 1907 issue of “The Metropolitan Magazine” is written by a Senator from Mississippi, John Sharp Williams.  The article is 15 pages (about 8″ x 10″ in size) and has several full page photos.  In the article titled “The Negro and the South” Williams writes “The darky complains a good deal…They are here, and they are going to remain here so long as there is  a cotton-field in sight…Some people talk as if the repeal of the fifteenth amendment would get rid of darkiesNegro women are poor mothers–careless and unintelligent.”

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“Darkie Toothpaste” shows one of the more obvious caricatures of the grinning, wide-eyed African-American.  Toothpaste bottle and box are from Japan.

Darkie is a toothpaste brand of Hawley & Hazel Chemical Company. Established in Shanghai in 1933 and later based in Hong Kong and Taiwan, Hawley & Hazel was acquired in 1985 by the US corporation Colgate-Palmolive, although the product is not marketed by Colgate-Palmolive Continue reading “DARKIE TOOTHPASTE (JAPAN)”

Poll Tax Pin

In U.S. practice, a poll tax was used as a de facto pre-condition of the exercise of the ability to vote. This tax emerged in some states of the United States in the late 19th century as part of the Jim Crow laws. After the ability to vote was extended to all races by the enactment of the Fifteenth Amendment, many Southern states enacted poll tax laws as a means of restricting black voters; such laws often included a grandfather clause, which allowed any adult male whose father or grandfather had voted in a specific year prior to the abolition of slavery to vote without paying the tax. These laws, along with unfairly implemented literacy tests and extra-legal intimidation, achieved the desired effect of disfranchising African-American and Native American voters, as well as poor whites. Continue reading “Poll Tax Pin”

KKK Magazine “Night Riders” about Viola Liuzzo murder

Possibly the most representative example of Klan propaganda, this may be the worst and most disgusting of the publications by the Klan/Citizens’ Councils.  Exploiting the murder of Viola Liuzzo, (a true hero of the Civil Rights Movement) by putting her body on the cover of their Klan “Night Riders” magazine as a trophy of their murderous efforts is about as low as it gets.

Continue reading “KKK Magazine “Night Riders” about Viola Liuzzo murder”


DSC08861 DSC08863 DSC08862This racist brochure from the 1960’s shows a Confederate flag on the cover and contains a list of 19 inflammatory race-based events that are intended as a “call to action” for the white man with an invitation May 1st to attend a meeting.  It mentions that “War has been declared upon an entire generation of little white children who are fighting for their lives, their right to decency, and their heritage of Christian civilization.  Little white girls are bearing the brunt of this savage assault.  Their existence or destruction depends upon the manhood of their race.  That is you.”  Continue reading “1960’s RACIST BROCHURE”


anti-MLK-newsletter-1-WMThis 1966 anti-Civil Rights newsletter is titled “RACIAL VIOLENCE AND HATRED” and is ironically from “Americans for Civil Harmony.”  In it, it attributes the fight for equality and civil rights to a communist plot.  It links Dr. King with illegal liquor sales and “promiscuous lewdness”; it identifies  several of his aides as “sex perverts” and “identified communists“.  It relies heavily on “perceptive critic”: J. Edgar Hoover.  This newsletter was part of the FBI propaganda campaign to discredit the Civil Rights Movement. 



DSC08796 DSC08799This is the September 2, 1965 edition of the “Birmingham Independent”, a racist newsletter.  The cover story is about J. Edgar Hoover.  Articles include this astounding passage “Birmingham was a fine, cheerful city.  The Negroes were happy.  King and his cohorts moved in, and with some local agitators began stirring up bad feelings and convincing the Negroes that they were not happy at all….He actually preferred that (demands) were not met because this was a cheaper way to promote propaganda to feed his innocent victims on hatred.  What followed…were riots, racial disturbances, and the death of four Negro children” Continue reading “1965 RACIST BIRMINGHAM NEWSLETTER”


dsc08789This is a February 20, 1966 edition of “The Councilor“, an anti-integration newsletter published in Shreveport, Louisiana.  Articles include “‘Stab-Ins’ Planned As New Civil Rights Terror Campaign“, “Post Office Hiring Now Discriminates Against Whites”, and “Louisiana Race-Mixers Are Under Severe Fire From Aroused Public”.  Name of addressee and PO Box address is clearly printed on newsletter.


“We’se Mischievous Little Nigs” 1925 Sheet Music

This racist sheet music from 1925 is titled “Two Naughty Little Pickanin’s”. The subtitle reads “A Duet for Little Darkey Boy and Girl.” The third verse starts with “We’se mischievous little nigs, An’ we eat lak little pigs, Dat’s what makes us so mischievous.” Later, it says, “It am nuffin’ but de mischief oozin’ out.”

Words by Willis N. Bugbee and music by Chas. W.A. Ball.


DSC06345aThis is a Frank G. Abell calling card for his famous photography business.  It shows a black man stealing watermelons with a dog attached to his rear, while a white man with a shotgun chases him.  It says, “Which will let go first, the dog or the darkey?” Born in Illinois in 1844, Frank G. Abell opened his first gallery on his own, Abell’s Star Gallery, in Stockton in 1866. Moving back to San Francisco the following year, he then gradually worked his way north, through Grass Valley, Red Bluff, and and Yreka, arriving in Roseburg, Oregon in 1877.  From 1878 to 1888 he was based in Portland, and after a few years back in San Francisco, he continued in Portland from 1897 to 1907. Known primarily for his studio portraits, his gallery in Continue reading “1878-1907 RACIST CALLING CARD (ADVERTISEMENT)”


DSC08580This 1931 large pamphlet is from “The Catholic Board for Mission Work Among the Colored People” and is titled “OUR COLORED MISSIONS” with the subtitle “JESUS DIED FOR ALL”.  It pictures a white Jesus holding a black child.  The section “Negro Laughs” (see photo) perpetuates the stereotype of the ignorant African-American who cannot speak well nor reason well (hence the butt of every joke).  To the credit of the brochure is a section titled “Gleanings” (see photo) where the publication acknowledges “Humility and kindness are lovable virtues among the colored race; therefore they are surely much loved by Jesus Christ…Civilization is far older than the science of anthropology, and in the olden days it was not considered necessary to weigh the brain of the individual in order to find whether he merited equality of opportunity.  Anthropology has now as its chief reason for existing the lamentable fact that it furnishes a justification for the exploitation of the darker races.–J.A. Rogers Continue reading “1931 RACIST JOKES IN CATHOLIC BROCHURE FOR “COLORED MISSIONS””


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Color illustration of a black man dressed as a Kentucky colonel and sitting on a front porch rocker while holding a mint julep.  I purchased this poster (on thick card stock) from an antiques dealer from the South. 1963 Twinkle Press, Roanoke Virginia.  Measures 14 x 11 inches.



DSC08973This colorful cover of the September 1924 issue of Pictorial Review furthers the very strange American stereotype of African-Americans going crazy over watermelon.  This is just the cover; you can see the edges have been eaten by insects over the last 90 years.  Note the large size of the cover as compared to the quarter to the right.


In 1995, Radio Shack manufactured a translating device (model 63-797) that made headlines when someone noticed that it translates the word “black” to “nigger”.  Radio Shack recalled this specific model and issued a written apology.  Upon hearing this, I went to Radio Shack to attempt to purchase the device for my collection.  When I arrived, all of the units had long-since been pulled from the shelves…except a demo.  I successfully talked the young cashier (unaware of the controversy) into selling me the demo.

Included with the translator is the original box, plastic sheath, instruction manual, unopened batteries that came with the unit, receipt (showing my name), and Radio Shack plastic bag.

Continue reading “1995 RACIST ENGLISH TRANSLATOR”

9 Memín Pinguín Comics (Mexican blackface/minstrel cartoon character)

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Before my wife received her Permanent Resident card to come to the United States from Guadalajara, Mexico, we would periodically meet in the border city of Tijuana, Mexico. One restaurant, Los Remedios, became one of our favorites for its loud mariachi music and eclectic culture-cluttered walls. It wasn’t until later that I discovered a racist depiction on one of the walls that stunned me. I talked with my wife about it and she explained that this was Memín Pinguín, a beloved Mexican comic book character. She assured me it wasn’t racist and that everyone loves Memín Pinguín. But what about the overtly racist “blackface” depiction of Memín…  Continue reading “9 Memín Pinguín Comics (Mexican blackface/minstrel cartoon character)”

“Nigger Run Fork” Postcard

This postcard shows a waterfall and states “White Oak Canyon at Nigger Run Fork, Skyline Drive, VA.”

Negro Run was one of “at least 1,441 federally recognized places across the nation include slurs in their official name”. At least 558 place names refer to African-Americans specifically in a derogatory manner. This creek was originally called Tim’s River in 1753 and officially named Nigger Run in 1933. It, and all other geographic features, replaced the word “Nigger” with “Negro” in 1962 by order of… Continue reading ““Nigger Run Fork” Postcard”


DSC09432An anti-Civil Rights view of what happened in Selma, Alabama in 1965 is contained in this book “Selma” by Robert M. Mikell.  Book also shows an unusual preoccupation with alleged interracial relationships (see photo of back cover).  The photo of the car where Civil Rights heroine Viola Liuzzo was murdered is in particular poor taste (especially with how the publisher has “colorized” it).

DSC09433    Continue reading “1965 RACIST BOOK “SELMA””


DSC08866  DSC08868 This is a segregationist booklet from 1957 titled “Segregation and the South” by Judge Tom Brady.  A very interesting document from the infamous White Citizen’s Council of Greenwood, Mississippi.  Interesting illustrative reference to the Little Rock Crisis of 1957 on the back showing a soldier with a bayonet “forcing” children to integrate, with the slogan “REMEMBER LITTLE ROCK.” Continue reading “1957 CITIZEN’S COUNCILS BROCHURE “SEGREGATION AND THE SOUTH””


DSC00687This racially stereotypical cartoon in the October 9, 1926 edition of the Columbus Dispatch, shows a personification of the sun seated above a stereotypical image of a black-faced character (minstrel-style).  This is approximately a quarter page drawing and is still on the full single sheet of the newspaper.

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1868 “Would You Marry Your Daughter to a Nigger?”

DSC08878A Thomas Nast political print from Harper’s Weekly, July 11, 1868.  This is large (see the wristwatch in the photo to see the size).  Caption under photo says “Would You Marry Your Daughter to a Nigger?”  It is a magazine edition and in VG condition.  The original print is matted in black.  It shows the Democratic Party being wed to a black man with the Press looking on.

DSC08880 Continue reading “1868 “Would You Marry Your Daughter to a Nigger?””


DSC08931Scottsboro The Firebrand of Communism by Files Crenshaw, Jr., and Kenneth A. Miller.  This is a very racist account of a famous trial known as the “Scottsboro Nine”–Nine blacks accused of attacking and raping 2 white women on March 25, 1931 on a freight train in Scottsboro Alabama (Jackson County).  Of course the men were railroaded (see explanation below).  The women, years later, recanted their story.




DSC06415 DSC06416This is a racist postcard from South Africa.  It says “K was a Kaffir afraid of the sun”.  In South Africa today, the term is regarded as highly racially offensive, in the same way as “nigger” in the United States and other English-speaking countries. It is seldom used as an isolated insult, but rather is used systematically by openly racist individuals when talking about black people, and as such was very common in the apartheid era. Use of the word has been actionable in South African courts since at least 1976 under the offense of crimen injuria: “the unlawful, intentional and serious violation of the dignity of another”.


DSC08854 DSC08856Written by Albert C. Persons, this is a very biased/racist account of the Civil Rights events that occurred in Selma, Alabama in 1965.  The booklet is titled “The True Selma Story” with the subtitle “Sex and Civil Rights“.  It was published in 1966. The author states “The greatest obstacle in the Negro’s search for “Freedom” is the Negro himself and the leaders he has chosen to follow.”  Publication includes “unsavory police and court records of the leaders of the civil rights movement.”  Continue reading “1966 “SEX AND CIVIL RIGHTS” (SELMA)”


DSC00724This sheet music from 1906 is titled “Carry Me Back To Old Virginny”.  Cover art is a famous painting showing a plantation scene.  A portion of the lyrics say “There’s where the old darkey’s heart am long’d to go.  That’s where I labor’d so.  There’s where this old darkey’s life will pass away.  Massa and missis have…”

The date printed on the sheet music says 1906; someone has written 1921 in pencil at the top.
